You have a practice, own it, embrace it, change it to change you
Life Practice
This may seem like an easy way out, it is not. What you do on a regular basis, your practice, is the most important and influential action in the course of your life. Adherance to that practice influences the quality and productiveness of your day. A strong practice will directly equate to a high quality of life. This practice may be informed by a religion that you profess, or by a practice that you are interested in or find benefitial. These practices will change throughout the course of your journey, which is natural as you mature and grow.
Regular Practice
The commonality of Practice
Most traditions have a set of practices that happen 4 or 5 times a day. This should be true of your practice, regardless of what that practice is. Each of these times should involve a modification of posture, a change of beathing, a change to what you are looking at (close eyes, stop looking at screen) and a change of mental focus. These should be ritualistic in nature, however the ritual might change periodicly to keep the practice fresh. The times should remain close to consistant and be a part of everyday.
Morning Rituals
These are the first rituals of the morning, right after getting out of bed. They should include streatching and strength movements, modified breathing, a montra for the day, and a moment of pause (meditation). These practices can be blended into morning routines, you might do some yoga movement while the coffee is brewing for example. Practice does not require a dark quiet room or for complete isolation. If your life does not have that, then it should not be expected for your practice.
Midday Rituals
These are the middle of the day rituals.
Afternoon Rituals
These are the middle of the day rituals.
Evening Rituals
These are the evening rituals.
Night Rituals
These are the night time rituals.